Sunday, 17 March 2013

Creativity and Insights

Writing up the workshop logs of my play. Always far more happened than can possibly be recorded but, on the whole, there are positive feelings and hopefulness about it. Add in excitement and fascination and that just about motivates me further to finish the work by the beginning of summer.

Reassuring to see so much interest from the actors, as if they are willing me on to finish on time.

Discovered James Hillman, not before time as his archetypal psychology complements much of what I had written already regarding spirituality in the text of plays. With one major difference... But this is for me to work out and present later.

Wasn't the BBC's The Lady Vanishes a complete waste of time! I had expected much with the remake but it all seemed much ado about nothing. Flashy direction with hand-held cameras could not disguise the mediocrity of the script and the lack of ideas. Hitchcock knew a thing or two when he had several mini stories on the go at once, not to mention memorable set pieces - the writing on the window pane which fades suddenly -  and the blessed comic relief of a very staid Charters and Caldicott to throw the whole hysterical one-note story into relief.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Faith and Podcasts

Looking forward to hearing the podcast of my presentation on T.S. Eliot. What will I sound like??

Really thought the production of Graham Greene's The Living Room at Jermyn Street Theatre was excellent. A rediscovered gem. Encapsulates so much of what was wrong with the Catholic church in 1950s Britain. No wonder the Second Vatican Council needed to open a window....

Looking forward to the brilliant Goldsmiths Plays event tomorrow which I've organised. We're 'house full' already and may have to turn people away, which will be a shame.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Presentations and New Plays

Presentation at Bodystorming went well and the whole enterprise seems exciting and forward-looking. A discussion to be continued!

Goldsmiths Plays all set for Tuesday.

Thursday: Encompass Productions in the persons of Jon Woodhouse and Rachel Owens visit as a PAL event to Studio 3 to talk to undergraduates about setting up a theatre company. Should be fun.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

On Reviews and Reviews...

First academic book review published in Rhul's excellent Platform magazine. I feel in good company!  (The launch at Bedford Square was a great time to catch up with old friends.) Funny thing is, once published the review seems to have a life of its own... Now preparing my second book review.

Wish I could have enjoyed Dorothy in Oz more at Waterloo East Theatre; and also A Strange Wild Song at The New Diorama. Had been looking forward to both; so somewhat disappointed. Read my reviews in Onestoparts.

The first four workshops of my play-in-progress went well. Two more to go!

Goldsmiths Plays are near finalisation. All should be well on the night of March 12th!

Preparing my ten minute presentation on bodily imagery in T.S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral for the Bodystorming event (part of the Centre of the Body series) on Saturday at Goldsmiths. Have already uploaded  the abstract for my presentation on Eliot at the Graduate Festival in May.