Sunday, 9 February 2014

Observing the First Crocus

A small yellow flame here, a faint purple spark there... Acres of green mud, glazed with brown and black water. Skeletal trees; a gaze of blue sky; mutterings of wind. 'I'm here', it says. 'I'm here and I'm yellow and gold and purple and white... I am the song of Spring. Sing me.'

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Vision and Articulation

Preparing for the 2014 Graduate Festival at Goldsmiths, Vision and Articulation, a number of tangential issues arise.

The need for continuing visualisation of my verse drama as the final moments play out in my imagination. In my mind, I am there simultaneously in the stage space with the characters and also in the audience looking, watching, feeling... It always amazes me how much an audience can change and transform as it engages with the play and this has to be taken into account when writing.

The vision of the weather... In London, this morning the weather segues through three seasons: bitterly cold winter; blue-sky spring and sunshine; autumnal darkness and gale-force winds. Kaleidoscopic changes every fifteen minutes. Right now: it's early spring. Daffodils emerge through the earth, bluebells not far behind. Snowdrops, aconites and purple hellebore enjoy the faint warmth of the dazzling low sun.

Articulating the findings of my research. Having just upgraded to PhD level, the challenge is to continue to articulate the vision of new insights into dramatic texts i.e. where and how spirituality may be found in them and to articulate this further in two practice-as-research dramas. It's fun and it's exciting and it's very hard painstaking work and I can't say any more here except to articulate - obliquely - the challenge. All energies must go into embodying the vision.